What We Do

Olwyn offers a unique pathway connecting donors who are seeking to be personally involved in our sector with small organisations that have a proven track record. 

We offer our funders, be they individuals, philanthropists, corporate donors or commercial/brands, a route to making positive change for women and girls. 

We have pin-pointed the best small female founded organisations and we have ensured due diligence. 

"If you give an education to a girl, that's how you are changing her life and that's how you are also changing the world."

Malala Yousafzai

Our Story

Olwyn Foundation was founded by feminist philanthropist Samantha Rowe-Beddoe in 2018 with one simple guiding principle: the empowerment, education and protection of women and girls in the UK and around the world.  

Since its inception Olwyn has campaigned across a range of areas whilst always adhering to our guiding principles that put women and girls first and centre. 

From FGM cessation to changing the UK law to stop criminalising the victims of domestic abuse; from helping rehouse long term homeless women to creating informed and accessible sex and healthy relationships education for young people.

We champion the present and the future for women and girls.

Our Team

Samantha Rowe-Beddoe

Samantha Rowe-Beddoe


Samantha has always championed gender equality and set up Olwyn Foundation in 2018 to protect the rights of girls around the world and to help them thrive. Samantha has worked in drama therapy for children and families since graduating in Theatre Studies from Warwick University. She was the Camp Director at The Barretown Gang Camp in Ireland and oversaw the therapeutic recreational programme for young people with blood diseases and cancer. As the Associate Director of Pop-Up Theatre, Samantha managed and facilitated the Equal Voice programme using drama to support children and young people to manage situations of conflict in mainstream, special educational settings and pupil referral units. Samantha advocates for the right to education for those overlooked by society be this because of gender, economic status or birth place. Samantha has three sons and one daughter who is already set to change the world!

Antonia Deeson

Antonia Deeson


Antonia Deeson is in charge of Administration at Olwyn. An author, a publicist and a DJ, Antonia has championed women throughout her career. Antonia has run her own PR and events business since graduating from Edinburgh University and believes that the time has come for women to demand gender equality across all areas. Her aim is to help those women and girls both in the UK and around the world who have no voice. Antonia manages Olwyn's day to day business, working with all our partners, as well as looking after fundraising and events.

Jane Green


Jane spent the last 30 years working in professional services, most recently as Global Lead for Admin Services at McKinsey & Company. She recently took the incredibly bold move and has retrained as a prison officer. Jane has always had a profound concern for injustice, largely caused by accident of birth, which chiefly affect women and girls.  She has long been a supporter of the efforts of charities focusing on these inequities and is delighted to be a trustee of Olwyn Foundation which supports multiple ventures to give possibilities to all girls.

Samantha Merry


Samantha Merry has worked within female led industries for 34 years. Initially in communications for a jewellery company for 20 years for an international fashion brand renowned for its commitment to environmental sustainability and gender parity. Recently she has been working with private clients.  Over the years Sam has been pivotal in the management and development of numerous charities and events supported by her clients. Following an undergraduate degree in Art History, she has cultivated a lifelong passion for the arts which she has passed on to her two daughters and son. Sam feels passionately about the causes supported by Olwyn foundation and is thrilled to be part of its journey and commitment to helping women and girls to a happier future.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Barack Obama