Securing A Positive Future for Women & Girls

We work with partners who are the leaders in their field. We hand pick a range of diverse projects in which to invest, both short-term or one-off projects and longer-term commitments. All of them have one vision - to help better the lives of our sisters both at home and around the world. 

Together with our partners, WE can impact the lives and the outcomes for women and girls. WE can empower the powerless. WE can give a voice to millions. WE can stand up for those who cannot fight on their own.


Olwyn has supported Fumble since 2022 and has worked closely with CEO Lucy Whitehouse. Now a nationally-recognised, award-winning charity that reached over 2 million young people in 2022-23. Set up in 2017, Fumble is an award-winning youth charity, leading the way in supporting young people, especially young women and members of the LGBTQ+ community, with their mental health, sexual health and relationships in the digital age.
Fumble understands the significant new challenges to developing healthy understandings of relationships, health and wellbeing and provides a digital handbook to help guide young people in making the right sex and relationship choices for themselves.


The Centre For Women’s Justice was founded in 2016 and aims to bring together specialist lawyers, academics and other experts in the field of violence against women, with those working on the frontline as activists, survivors and service providers.
At least 57% of women in prison and under community supervision are victims of domestic abuse.
Olwyn has been working with founder Harriet Wistrich and her team, including Katy Williams, to push for reforms in law and practice, to end the unjust criminalisation of victims of gender-based violence.


Female Genital Mutilation is a worldwide issue that concerns 230 million women and girls across 30 countries. Set up 10 years ago by former foreign correspondent at The Guardian and award-winning film producer, Maggie O'Kane, the Global Media Campaign to End FGM takes the fight straight to the frontline in Africa.
Supporting a grassroots movement of over 1000 activists and local women's rights organisations in over 15 countries, Olwyn has supported GMC to provide media training, both in-country and online and specially developed media masterclasses to help activists to run powerful anti-FGM campaigns.
More recently Olwyn is supporting the launch of GMC's Born Perfect Caravans project which is travelling across Africa to bring the message of ending FGM village by village, community by community. 

Case Studies

For two years Olwyn has supported Tender - an organisation that uses drama and the arts to educate children and young people about healthy relationships.  We supported programmes in London and in Norfolk in both primary and secondary schools and youth clubs. Working in groups and seeing age appropriate films, made especially by Tender,  the young people were able to explore the concepts of cohesion and abuse.

They were able to discuss the signs and, as a group, work out how to navigate these situations for both themselves and for others. The training also extended to teachers at each of the schools that Tender worked in and an annual awards attracted teachers and students from all over the UK. As Tender expands its work and growth, Olwyn is very proud to have worked with this most inspirational of organisations.

In 2021 Olwyn was approached by The Avenues Youth Project - a small youth club in North West London. The girls who attended the Girls Hub were having trouble getting home in the evenings due to the effects of street level gang culture. Many were stopping attending the progressive  and community based activities on offer to them. Olwyn stepped in and bought them a minibus. The bus has transformed the outcomes for both the girls attending the hub and all the young people who are now able to leave London for field trips, many were leaving the city for the very first time.

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, she stands up for all women.”

Maya Angelou