Centre for Women's Justice Amendments Get Passed by House of Lords

On March 10th the House of Lords voted in favour of the proposed statutory defences for survivors who offend due to abuse.  Proposals were put forward by Centre for Women’s Justice and supported by Olwyn Foundation. You can see the debate here from Column 1742 onwards.  The speeches given by peers in support were carefully prepared and very powerful (Baroness Kennedy, Lord Randall of Uxbridge, Baroness Hamwee, Lord Paddick, Baroness Jenny Jones, Lord Kennedy and the Rt Rev Rachel Treweek, Lord Bishop of Gloucester). Baroness Kennedy advocated for the amendments and put them to a vote, and here are the results:

Amendment 50 (self-defence proposal) Contents 298 Not contents 241

Amendment 51 (s45 proposal) Contents 283 Not contents 245

For the time being at least, the proposals are in the Bill. Unfortunately the government remains opposed. We urge MPs across all parties to support these amendments.

Women do not ask to be abused by their partners but they should expect the full support of the law when they try to defend themselves.


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