Covid 19 Crisis Support

We have all been touched by the Covid19 Crisis. Wherever you live in the world, the impact of the crisis has been felt by everyone, whatever their circumstances. However the poor and the vulnerable have been left most at need. Having attended some very powerful webinars held by Women for Women International and Action Aid, Olwyn donated to their Covid19 emergency fundraising appeals helping provide health care kits and information to women and their families. One very sad thread that ran through the appeals from all over the world, was the impact on women and children, not only through the sudden impact of poverty and loss of family income almost overnight, but also the huge spike in domestic violence that was seen during Lockdown. It seems that wherever women are, domestic abuse at the hands of a partner, has been a terrible consequence of the pandemic. Olwyn was pleased to support UK charities Refuge, Women’s Aid and Action for Children, providing emergency financial support to those most in need. We can only hope that a vaccine for this virus is discovered soon, but the legacy of destruction that Covid19 has left in its wake will be with us all for many years to come.


Helping Support Women For Women International During Covid


Helping those in need during COVID19 Crisis