Emergency Covid Fund for Action for Children

Coronavirus has affected everyone’s lives in ways that we have not seen before. Families who were already struggling found, and continue to find, themselves unable to afford the most basic essentials. The uncertainty and challenges that coronavirus presented us with pushed many families to breaking point. Olwyn Foundation was able to help support Action for Children’s Emergency Fund during the crisis.

As many parents saw a drop in their income; some having to self-isolate and therefore unable to go out to get essential items; or they received higher bills as their children spent more time at home. Since the crisis started, Action for Children reported seeing families being forced to choose between feeding their children and paying their bills.

Action for Children’s Emergency Fund has been providing immediate, one-off support, worth up to £250, to children, young people and families living in poverty who are struggling with an unexpected expense or with additional pressures such as domestic violence, disability or poor health.

Through its Emergency Fund, Action for Children supported children, young people and families to access a range of essentials, like furniture, food and clothes, or toys and baby equipment. It’s meant that, even when faced with poverty, deprivation and hardship, the basic needs of children and young people have been met. Olwyn has been able to support families in all four nations across the UK and up to June 2020 Action for Children supported almost 3,500 families, including almost 6,000 children and young people with a range of essentials. Families could apply for financial assistance worth up to £250. However, the average request for support has been for just £45.


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