Congratulations to Solace Women's Aid for recognition at the London Homelessness Awards 2021

We are delighted that Standing Together and Solace Women’s Aid gained a Highly Commended in the 2021 London Homelessness Awards.  The Westminster VAWG (violence against women and girls) Housing First project which Olwyn is proud to support, provides permanent, independent housing and intensive support for 20 women experiencing long term homelessness, any form of VAWG and multiple disadvantage. Solace work to build relationships with the women and provide intensive ‘woman led’ support to help them maintain a tenancy and improve physical and mental wellbeing. Standing Together manage partnerships with a coalition of housing partners who provide units for the project.


Global Media Campaign Sierra Leone reaches audience of over 1m for International Day of the Girl


Supporting anti FGM activists in Sierra Leone with Global Media Campaign