The Tender Healthy Relationships Programme at Work

Olwyn has been delighted to support Tender since 2022. The Healthy Relationships Education programme, tackling sexual education in schools, has never been more vital. We were lucky to attend one such programme in West London. The way the practitioners managed the young people, teaching them about often difficult and confronting issues to do with coercion and abuse was inspiring - and the teachers too felt like they were being empowered, having the tools required to teach these crucial life lessons to their pupils in an impactful and meaningful way. The role schools play, not only in teaching our children how to socialise, manage conflict and engage with peers, friendship groups and a whole host of adults, has since lockdown, been pulled into sharp focus. Tender is an organisation that can respond to some of those challenges by creating spaces in which young people can practice interactions, consider the dynamics of their friendships and articulate what matters most to them.


Fumble Appearing on Podcast


Supporting Solace VAWG Housing First Project