Helping Support Vulnerable Women and Children Refugees with Refugee Action

In Q4 of 2023 (October – December), Refugee Action supported 785 people, via the Asylum Crisis service, through 2,414 advice sessions and client contacts. Of the applications and challenges made for those service users, with outcomes during this period, there was a 99% success rate in securing accommodation and/or financial support.

Olwyn are incredibly concerned about the physical and mental welfare of women and children refugees coming to the UK many of whom are being left for long periods in unsuitable accommodation without sufficient access to education, health and legal advice.

Refugee Action is an independent, national charity with over 40 years of experience in developing and delivering solutions to the challenges faced by refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK.

Their vision is that refugees and people seeking asylum will be welcome in the UK. They will live free of poverty and injustice, and successfully rebuild their lives. They provide practical support to refugees and people seeking asylum; train and support other charities to help build capacity and expertise across the sector; and make the case to government for policies that improve their ability to access justice and rebuild their lives.


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